Christmas in July? At Unicorn Square we believe in magic all year round.
Magical thinking is a powerful element of childhood development and is believed to contribute to developing the skills of communication, creativity, and social skills. Click here to read Oxford Scholarship article - Magical Thinking and Children's Cognitive Development
Parents and teachers are well practiced at highlighting the magic of Christmas, believing in Santa, and fostering that belief in children. During Christmas eyes light up, feelings of goodness surround us, and it can be truly magical. Thoughts of "goodwill towards men" and being thankful are abundant. Children believe in Santa and cannot wait to tear open gifts. Many attempts have been made to extend Christmas magic such as “Christmas in July” but it certainly is not as prevalent.
When I was a child and camping with our family one July, my parents decorated a "Christmas" tree in the forest. We kids received supplies to make arts and crafts. That was pretty fun.
The magic of Christmas can also have a dark side to it.
- Showing your gratitude and love as a race to see who can buy the most presents.
- The judgment that occurs when lines are drawn between being good and bad. Are you naughty or nice? Will you receive a piece of coal or a gift?
We propose a new expression of magic!
Here at Unicorn Square, our version magic2.0 believes that magic is abundant and available any time of the year.
- We believe in giving and receiving gifts all year long.
- We believe in accepting people without judgments.
- We share the forms of untapped energy that are free and available to anyone.
- We show how to use this energy to power your heart.
- Unicorn Square offers the magic of believing in the unseen and seen.
- By believing in fairies and having fun with them in nature, children can discover magic is present everywhere.
At Unicorn Square, we express self-acceptance, gratitude, and a love for the magic of nature all year long. This is the deeper magic of the fairies - how they foster child development. The fairies offer positive messages which can be in the physical form of exchanging notes in the quiver of our fairy wings or simply by giving notes of loving encouragement to your child. Being in nature and charging your heart is a gift that is available any day of the year and is completely FREE.
The Fairies of Unicorn Square never judge anyone for their actions. Instead, they offer encouragement to listen to your own inner guidance to make better choices. When better choices are made the reward is that it simply feels good. This can be applied to a child or an adult. They help children and adults learn about and trust their unique qualities. The fairies are here to celebrate being who you really are!
The fairies do not spy yet are always there when you want them. The fairies are about positivity, happy messages, and simply reminding us that tomorrow is another chance to play again. They are 100% on your team and on your child's team.
The fairies do not spy yet are always there when you want them. The fairies are about positivity, happy messages, and simply reminding us that tomorrow is another chance to play again. They are 100% on your team and on your child's team.
What are the benefits in believing in fairies year round?
- They offer positive encouragement, sharing happiness and belief in nature’s magic.
- They will cheer you on to go outside and recharge your heart in the sunshine.
- They foster imagination and can take you places you never thought you could go. Imagination is a valuable skill to develop in becoming a successful adult.
- They remind us to get off the iPad and spend more time admiring the wonders of nature.
- They help you communicate with your child and vice versa. A child may share concerns with a fairy easier than with a parent.
Reminders for parents:
- Always respect your child and the trust s/he has with the fairies. Try not to make fun of their fantastical and magical ideas.
- We encourage you to interact with the fairies, too, so they can give your child positive life lessons. You can speak to your child through the loving and accepting voice of the fairies.
Unicorn Square itself does exist; right now, we come to you from the magical North Shore of Maui. Natural elements anywhere in the world can speak to each other via their amazing root and energy systems. We like to call it the original World Wide Web of Roots. Fairies are nature's helpers. Think about it, you have to water and care for your houseplants….fairies do this on a much grander global scale.
We encourage you to share in the magic of Unicorn Square anytime through our website, social media pages, and by simply believing. (@UnicornSquare)
Email us if you find yourself stumped or have any questions.
Thank you for reading and letting us share self-acceptance, gratitude, and the magic of nature with you!
With love and sparkles from Unicorn Square,
We believe in You!